Adoptees are confronted with the investigative challenge of how to search for a birth parent when you don’t know their name. Well, let’s say you are looking for a birth mother who was born 50+ years ago and you only know her birth name. Even when the adoptee’s original birth certificate is unrestricted — that applies to a small handful of states — there’s still the challenge of finding a current name. A woman may change her surname multiple times within her life. This adds to the difficulty of locating anyone when the information known is stale or partial sildenafil 100m order.
If you find a marriage record, this will show a possible name change to the husband’s last name. But marriage records are filed in counties and if you don’t know where she married how will you locate it? Don’t assume that or has indexed the records. Most locales and sources are not digitized or online. You must look in the county Recorder index where the marriage was filed. If I know her date of birth, I search by first name with a match to that birth date through my professional databases. That may suggest places where a marriage record can be located. I obtain a full profile of every woman who I can’t eliminate as a match and search each one for cross references with other facts I’ve developed or worthy leads: Where her Social Security number was issued; other family names — possible male relatives, for example; and places lived. Then I usually am able to eliminate more of those as matches and pinpoint where to extend my search.